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Create a nurse email signature that makes a professional impression

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Nurse email signature

Being a nurse means people place their health and even their lives in your hands. That’s why it is important to earn people’s trust in you and your expertise.

When it comes to trust people tend to make snap judgments, so your first impression should be as positive as possible.

Many times, your first contact with someone will be by email, and having a professional nurse email signature will ensure that you make a great first impression.

Let’s see how it’s done:

What should your nurse’s email signature include?

  • Full name: Use your middle initial as recent studies show that a middle initial is associated with higher intelligence
  • Job title: In your title, be specific regarding your field. Express what type of nurse you are.
  • Website link: Include your hospital or HMO name, and its website.
  • Photo / Logo: It is highly recommended to display a photo giving your email signature a more personal touch. People like to be reminded that there’s a real live person on the other side of the email. If the goal of the email is to brand your hospital, a logo may be more appropriate
  • Social media iconsProvide easy access to your social profiles (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter) enabling the recipient to stay connected with your hospital on a professional and social level.
  • Email (optional): Displaying your email address is a good formal choice, but it’s not necessary. You are already communicating by email and if your correspondent wants to reply, he or she will just hit ‘Reply’.

Check out these email signatures examples for nurses: