Home / Email signature examples / Sales email signature
Make a sales email signature with high conversion
- Steal our tried and tested templates to use as your own
- Learn email signature tips that make or break a Sales Manager email signature

As a Sales Manager or marketing professional, you know that every type of communication embodies an opportunity for pitching a business offer. It’s not a matter of IF but a matter of HOW.
Your sales email signature represents a marketing opportunity that you shouldn’t miss out on. Your competitors surely won’t.
Happily, for you, a beautiful and effective email signature marketing solution is only a few minutes away. We’ll teach you how other marketing and sales professionals have been doing it using our generator.
We’ll let you in on the best tips to help you close the gap and start getting traction through your email signature footer today.
Marketing and sales email signature examples
You should learn from what works for others in your profession. For this purpose, we’ve prepared email signature examples based on some of the best-performing email signatures made on our platform.
How to create the best email signature for sales – Do’s and Don’ts
Whether you saw a signature you like or not in the examples above there are basic rules you should adhere to for your signature to perform beautifully, for marketing purposes.
Your full name
Add your middle initial for additional credibility
Avoid using nicknames
The name of your business or employer
Add your field of business if your brand is unknown. E.g. if I own a marketing company you could use “YourComapny Marketing” as your business name to add clarity
No need to add Ltd.
Would an Apple employee add Ltd.?
Your job title
Add a serious-sounding conventional title if you can get away with it. E.g. instead of “Marketer” say “Marketing manager”
Avoid using vague titles, like “Marketing magician” or “Head of promotion”
Your contact info
Add a direct phone number where people can easily get hold of you
Don’t add an email address, there is a “Reply” button for that
Your website
Add a link to a page that converts users to clients. It can be your homepage or a landing page.
Don’t add a link to a half-baked or badly made website. It will only hurt your credibility
Your photo and/or company logo
Use a high-quality headshot as your personal image. Try to smile. Add an animated logo of your company’s brand for an eye-catching effect
Don’t use pixelated images. Don’t use pictures with sad or silly facial expressions. Avoid fake smiles. Don’t use a stock photo. All of these will destroy your relatability
Social media links to use for a better, richer signature
It really comes down to what marketing channels work best for you and your business. If you don’t know what works yet, you can rely on some of the best choices (you can add all these in seconds, all from our signature builder’s social media tab):
- Youtube
We advise that you analyze these channels’ performance in the long run and reduce the links you present in your signature. Only those who generate sales for your company should stay.
More options are many times less inviting, so limit your offering to avoid that.
- CEO & executive signatures
- Owner & founder signatures
- Realtor email signatures
- Lawyer email signatures
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- Musician email signatures
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- Military email signature
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- Assistant email signatures
- Consultant email signatures
- Marketing & sales signatures
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- Startup team email signatures
- Job seeker email signatures
- Contractor email signature
Free email signature generator
Popular features:
- 1-Click setup in your email
- Designed template options
- Add-ons for every need
- CEO & executive signatures
- Owner & founder signatures
- Realtor email signatures
- Lawyer email signatures
- Doctor email signatures
- Nurse email signatures
- Teacher email signatures
- Student email signatures
- JD candidate email signatures
- Academic email signatures
- Blogger & writer signatures
- Graphic designer signatures
- Musician email signatures
- Artist email signatures
- Military email signature
- Engineer email signatures
- Assistant email signatures
- Consultant email signatures
- Marketing & sales signatures
- Photographer email signatures
- Startup team email signatures
- Job seeker email signatures
- Contractor email signature