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Home / Guides / How to add GIF to Gmail signature

How to add a GIF to your Gmail signature

  • Read our 1 minute step-by-step guide for adding an animated GIF to your Gmail signature
  • Or use our GIF signature maker to generate an animated email signature that makes an impression
Go to GIF signature maker Company-wide signature
how to add gif signature in gmail

To add a Gif to your email signature in Gmail you’ll need to have a GIF prepared in advance. If you have an animated GIF ready just follow the steps below to add it to your Gmail signature.

But you should know that it’s fairly hard to make a working GIF signature with Gmail’s embedded signature editor. Luckily there is a simple alternative to this, with an HTML email signature generator. Try Wisestamp, it’s free, easy, and extremely customizable.

Make it yours
Personal gmail email signature template with animated sales banner

GIF Gmail signature example | Made with WiseStamp

To manually add a GIF to your Gmail signature follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the Gear icon Gmail settings situated in the top right corner of your Gmail > Select Settings from the menu > Scroll down to the Signature section
  2. Select the signature you want to add a GIF to or create a new signature if you haven’t made one yet
Add email signature in Gmail - Step 2 - Add new Gmail signature
Gmail email signature - step 2 - edit signature

Edit existing signature

  1. Click your cursor in the place you want to add the animated GIF > Click the Image icon in the editor toolbar > Upload your GIF or add a link to it > Click “OK
  2. When you’re finished, scroll down the page and click on the “Save changes” button. That’s it, you’re all set up!
add image to gmail signature