All B2B marketing articles
Email marketing partnerships: how to help others help you
Did you know that partnering with non-competitive brands can improve your email marketing efforts, increase exposure, and help grow your email address database faster?...
Email opt-in: win loyal customers with permission email marketing
Let’s take a deep dive into permission based email marketing, also known as opt-in email marketing. We’ll cover what permission email marketing is, it’s...
Mail funnels optimization: create near-perfect email customer journey
59% of B2B marketers say that their email list is the most effective funnel for generating revenue. But for most businesses, more often than...
Email onboarding: how it’s done start to finish
While it might seem that social media, chatbots, and other new technologies are the best marketing tools, research shows that email marketing is still...
11 marketing acronyms essential to growing your business
As you grow your business, you’ll find you’ll need to learn all sorts of strange business language, which more often than naught comes in...